"Let's Share" is a simple card game for social emotional learing, used by educators, counselors, speech therapists, therapists and of course - parents!
As parents, we all want to have our children share their day with us, express their emotions freely, and build open and bonding communication - "Let's Share!" helps many families achieve this goal.
"In just 4 round I got to know my son better"
"My daughter finally spilled why she has been grumpy for the past few months"
"My child wakes me up on Saturday to play this game together"
These are some feedbacks we hear from parents.
For many kids, using visual aids makes it much easier to communicate. For this game, we teamed up with our psychological advisor- Rachel Shalev M.A, AMFT, to ensure "Mixed e-motions" would be beneficial for parents and pediatric professionlas that wish to enrich their SEL (social emotional learning) toolkit better communicate with kids.
By using the visual aids, it makes it easier for kids who are reserved, or even those who are non-verbal - to express thier inner feelings.
You can as k question about how they are feeling and allow them to use as many e-motions cards as needed, as they might be feeling more than one emotion and even mixed emotions! for examples, if you ask how they are feeling about winter break, they might feel excited, but also sad to not see their friends, and maybe upset for not going to the water park but happy to see family, etc... and when asked what helper cards would make them feel better, it could be a book, but also their teddy bear, some music, their baseball, etc...
There are also e-motions list" cards to help enrich their vocabulary, so if they use the word "sad" you could look at similar emotions and help themenrich their vocabulary.
The E-motions team consists of 5 characters: Ryangry, Dramamia, Pleasington, Perfectron and Fearolina. Each representing one of the 5 Chinese elements accordingly: Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water.
A few characteristics of each:
Ryangry: Frustrated, angry, “bossy”, assertive, loud, determined
Dramamia: excited, happy, smiling, laughing, giggling, “dramatic”, fun
Pleasington: soft voice, self-pity, friendly, loving, empathetic, whiny, worried
Perfectron: sharp voice, accurate, blunt, justice seeker, perfectionist, serious
Fearolina: shy/reserved, fearful, strong will power, blends in easily, quiet, mellow
You can read more about each character and how to better motivate them accordingly in this link: https://www.mye-motions.com/_files/ugd/af7d2a_a0605c9d5d144fa5a8b090c6540c7c15.pdfThe figures measure 45x45x55mm or 1 3/4x1 3/4x 2 1/4 inch and are printed from PLA and hand painted with non-toxic waterproof acrylics
Emotion Dolls: Ryangry, Dramamia, Pleasington, Perfectron, Fearolina
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